Banking Update (7.6.2) The World

  • 2024-05-21 09:17
  • 2 Messages

Havok Games

Havok Games 2024-05-21 09:17

No download is needed!

In this update, we have added faction-based inventory bankers.
You can use these bankers if you have a Neutral or Friendly relationship with a faction (yes, you can have standing with multiple factions to use multiple bankers).

Unfriendly <-> Neutral = 500
Neutral <-> Friendly = 1500

If you talk to a banker (NL) or right-click them (PC) and nothing happens or they don't respond back, you don't have enough faction points to use their banking services.

Please note: Don't kill a banker.... It will remove 100 points from the faction of the banker you kill.... Don't be mean to the hard-working bankers.

Havok Games

Havok Games 2024-05-21 09:59


All faction banks have been updated!

Everyone can now have up to 6 tabs of banking and banking tabs are upgradable!

The first tab is free, upgrades and tabs 2-6 will cost depending on the faction.

(Adventure = money, Magic = Magic items and/or plants, Vampire = blood and/or blood related items, Werewolf = bones and various meats)

Tab size is the size of a regular chest, and the upgraded tab is the size of a double chest.
Deposit items at a banker to keep them safe and access them from another banker anywhere a faction banker is in the world!
We are working to bring bankers to each town/city where there is a transporter.

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